Saturday, May 29, 2010

Memorial Day

A hero is the one who knows how to hang on one minute longer. Without heroes, we are all plain people, and don't know how far we can go. I believe it is the nature of people to be heroes, given the chance. Heroes take journeys, confront dragons, and discover the treasure of their true selves. This holiday should be a solemn day of remembrance. Unfortunately, the significance of the day is often lost under the coolers and beach blankets in the trunk of the car. Let's not forget what has been fought for. Our freedom of speech, freedom to act, freedom to question authority or freedom to live freely. This is the time to especially thank the veterans and active military in your life and to reflect upon those who served for the greater good, the greater freedom that we all enjoy today. I know I do everyday of my life.


Sunday, May 23, 2010

DIY Tip # 3

Set The Table:
You already know that for everyday meals, the fork goes on the left and the knife goes on the right, but at a formal dinner, lots more goes on the tables. Is it worth the trouble? Absolutely, because a nicely dressed table makes guests feel welcome. The basics: a charger (decorative plate) is centered at each person’s place setting. (A waiter will remove it just before dinner is served.)flat-ware is placed in the order it will be used, from the outside in. Put the salad fork to the left side of the dinner fork, and the soupspoon(if used) to the right of the knife. The bread-and-butter plate goes above the forks. The water goblet goes above the knife and the wineglass to the right of the goblet. Place a folded or tied napkin in the center of the charger; if you’re using place cards, position them on or near the dinner plates. You should set the tables even if you’re having a buffet, because asking guests to balance plates of hot food as well as flatware, napkins and glasses is a disaster in the making. (buffet settings can skip the chargers)

Monday, May 10, 2010

Baby Shower

We have signed papers with a client to plan a baby shower! The possible themes that we have are narrowed down to 2. Depending on the gender, Noah's Ark or Lady Bugs. We are looking forward to working on this and can't wait to see the finished product!

resume's welcome

We posted eariler that we aren't currently hiring for more help, but we'd love to receive resume's from interested parties. We will be happy to keep the resume's on file until we are hiring. You can email them to us at or go to our website and click "contact us" at . Thanks

Friday, May 7, 2010

We have been getting alot of job requests from different individuals. We wanted to post that we are currently not hiring. This doesn't rule out hiring in the future. Behind the Bash will announce if we need more help. Thanks.